
The South East Open Cribbage League


Fixture List for 2024

Tuesday, 7th May, 2024

Duke of Northumberland   11  v  Plough   4

  Foresters  10  v  Duchess of Kent  5

Malt Shovel  'A'   6  v   Falconwood Club  9

Running Horses  (Bye)

  Malt Shovel 'VI'   (Bye) 


Tuesday, 14th May, 2024

 Duke of Northumberland  v   Duchess of Kent  7

  Falconwood Club  (Bye)

Malt Shovel 'A'  7  v  Plough  8

 Malt Shovel 'VI'   v   Running Horses  (Cancelled)

Foresters  (Bye)


Tuesday, 21st May, 2024

  Falconwood Club  10  v  Duke of Northumberland  5

 Foresters  (Bye)

Plough  8   Running Horses  7

Malt Shovel 'A'  7  v  Malt Shovel 'VI'  8

  Duchess of Kent  (Bye)


Tuesday, 28th May, 2024

 Malt Shovel  'A'  (Bye)

 Running Horses  4  v  Duke of Northumberland 11

Malt Shovel 'VI'  7  v  Foresters  8

Duchess of Kent  7  v  Plough  8

Falconwood Club  (Bye)


Tuesday, 4th June, 2024

  Duke of Northumberland  9  v  Malt Shovel 'VI'  6

Foresters  8  v  Running Horses  7

  Plough  7  v    Falconwood Club  8

  Duchess of Kent   (Bye)  

Malt Shovel 'A'  (Bye)


Tuesday, 11th June, 2024

Falconwood Club  5  v  Foresters  10

 Plough  (Bye)

 Running Horses  5  v  Malt Shovel 'A'   10

 Malt Shovel  'VI'  4  v  Duchess of Kent  11

Duke of Northumberland  (Bye)


Tuesday, 18th June, 2024

  Duke of Northumberland  (Bye)

 Plough  9  v  Malt Shovel 'VI'  6

Malt Shovel 'A'  9  v  Foresters  6

  Duchess of Kent  7  Falconwood Club  8

  Running Horses  (Bye)


Tuesday, 2nd July, 2024

Falconwood Club  8  v  Malt Shovel 'VI'  7

Foresters  10  v  Plough   5

  Running Horses  5  v  Duchess of Kent  10

 Malt Shovel 'A'   7 v   Duke of Northumberland  8


Tuesday, 9th July, 2024

  Falconwood Club  Running Horses  (Cancelled)

 Duke of Northumberland  8  v   Foresters  7

  Malt Shovel 'VI'   (Bye)

  Duchess of Kent  6  v  Malt Shovel 'A'  9

  Plough  (Bye)


Tuesday, 16th July, 2024

Malt Shovel 'A'  7  v  Running Horses  8

  Foresters  6  v    Falconwood Club  9

   Plough  9  v  Duke of Northumberland   6

  Duchess of Kent  5  v   Malt Shovel 'VI'  10


Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024

Running Horses  7  v   Foresters  8

  Falconwood Club  8  v   Duchess of Kent  7

     Duke of Northumberland  9  v  Malt Shovel 'A'  6

  Malt Shovel 'VI'  v  Plough  (17-9)


Tuesday, 30th July, 2024

  Foresters  8  v   Duke of Northumberland  7

  Falconwood Club  v  Plough  (10-9)

Duchess of Kent  5  v  Running Horses  10

  Malt Shovel 'VI'  11  v  Malt Shovel 'A'  4


Tuesday, 6th August, 2024

Malt Shovel 'A'  6  v   Duchess of Kent  9

  Duke of Northumberland   11  v    Falconwood Club  4

   Plough  8  v  Foresters  7

Running Horses  9  v   Malt Shovel 'VI'  6


Tuesday, 13th August, 2024

  Foresters  6  v   Malt Shovel 'VI'  9

  Running Horses  9  v  Plough   6

Duchess of Kent   8  v  Duke of Northumberland  7

Falconwood Club   10  v  Malt Shovel 'A'  5


Tuesday, 20th August, 2024

  Foresters  8  v  Malt Shovel 'A'  7

  Duke of Northumberland   6  v   Running Horses  9

   Plough  10  v  Duchess of Kent  5

  Malt Shovel 'VI'   10  v  Falconwood Club  5


Tuesday, 3rd September, 2024

   Malt Shovel 'VI'  10  v  Duke of Northumberland  5

  Running Horses  v   Falconwood Club 

Duchess of Kent   v    Foresters  (10.9)

Plough   v  Malt Shovel 'A'  (24-9)










Pairs Knockouts - Tuesday, 8th October, 2024

Singles Knockouts and Presentation - Tuesday,15th October, 2024 at Malt Shovel

Ron Boorman Crib Drive at Malt Shovel Tuesday 29th October 2024


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